Saturday, October 4, 2008

Only the beginning!!

  Living in Redding and going to Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry has been nothing short of a wild adventure exploring the crazy heart of God. To begin, Redding is much more beautiful than I previously gave it credit for.  There is a 16 mile walk which lines both sides of a huge river and is completely covered with trees. My house is only 10 minutes away from Wiskeytown Lake where I can lay on the beach, listen to Jack J and pretend to hear waves. The water is so clear it looks tropical.  A friend took us wakeboarding and skurfing behind his boat last weekend…needless to say God has surprised me in every way possible. My roommates are rad. In the midst of a sometimes intense ministry school we manage to escape in my roommate Maggie’s convertible mini cooper. We’ll be jammin to Michael Jackson while driving up to church or go on joy rides at night. Maggie is one of 10 kids and grew up on a farm outside of Chicago. She is an incredible actress musician and singer and was just living with the Rwandan President for the last year. I call her the rock star.  Lauren and I met in Argentina one year ago. She has a hair salon out of our house and is practically a Latina with her passionate personality and fluency in Spanish.  Christen, I knew from Santa Barbara and is straight up goofy, wild, passionate, missing the coast with me… and has drawn me to be constantly entertained by a youtube video named “The farting Preacher: (it’s a must see).  We all cannot believe how much God has blessed us with each other and already feel like best friends.  God has not only strategically connected us at the heart and soul but continually gives us prophetic words of encouragement for one another. Its just a blast. 

School is incredible. I have never been under the leadership of so many profound people dedicating themselves to us 800 students who have each given up a year to be in Redding, CA to simply know the depth of who God is and how he has created us to live for Him. The first day of class there was so much energy in the room during worship.  I really think there are more foreigners than Americans here. It’s sweet to hear crazy stories of how some students had to fight to get here. There are middle aged husband and wife teams that gave up there jobs, older woman who say they just desire to see God move powerfully as long as they have left to live, and crazy college age students who don’t know what to do with themselves until they more greatly know the Jesus who is calling them, the destiny God dreamed for them, and how to powerfully love people as Jesus did.  

             All of our real classes begin this next week. I am taking a class on learning to prophecy and another on leading people through inner healing. Inner healing is when Jesus heals the emotional wounds and lies that past occurrences and relationships have had on our relationship with God and others. On top of this I am taking a Spanish class and participating in a weekly outreach to a woman’s drug recovery center. Throughout the week we are also being taught by the pastoral staff and always having radical worship and sweet fellowship times together.

            These last three weeks have been overwhelming in every good way.  God has simply been telling me and revealing to me how much He loves me. He tell me He believes in me and that I am His daughter. He really does have an unimaginable destiny for me, one that I cannot plan, one that starts the moment I turn my face to His everyday and learn who He sees me as. These truths have become realities. Once you realize you’re Father is the King, bringing His kingdom to earth is what you know you were born for. This can come in anyway He desires, God just wants everyone to encounter His love. God is very creative and loves to show people just how important they are to Him through healing, or hearing a prophecy that connects them to His heart, or just touching them with His presence. I am so excited to learn more about how to experience and lead people to experience a powerful encounter with God. I was blessed by the powerful touch of Gods love two days ago…. Let me tell you my story.


My healing

            I was recently completely healed from a disease that I’ve battled since I was thirteen. It all began when God gave me a dream where I was reaching out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. It was the most real dream I’ve ever had, yet I didn’t understand it. A couple of nights ago at retreat, Bill Johnson spoke to about 200 of us and all the leadership prayed for everyone in fire tunnel form. At the end of the night there was only one person sitting up front chatting with Pastor Bill. God reminded me of my dream. Bill Johnson is very well known so I was nervous to go up and introduce myself, but I wanted to get prayer for my colitis. So I introduced myself and thanked him for everything He had been pouring into all of us.  I continued to explain I had battled with colitis since I was thirteen and wanted him to pray for me. We chatted for a while about the emotional root of being self critical and hard on myself, and that Jesus never based someone’s healing off of that in the Bible. Pastor Bill was ridiculously filled with compassion and love, I felt like the most important person in the room. As he began to pray for me my body was thrown back by the power of God. He broke generational stuff off me and spoke complete restoration into me. What happened next was just wild. I laid on the ground feeling the intense peace and presence of God and began to feel my intestines heal. Every part that had been soar for years was being healed. It was crazy. I felt so cared for by Jesus. I was so so so happy and could barely sleep that night as the intensity of God’s presence remained with me.

            So all in all it has been a crazy ride these last three weeks but I’m learning so much so fast and continue to be transformed by God. I couldn’t be happier. There is no place I would rather be right now and only look forward to what is going to come!


No3L said...

Your post just blows my mind away. You are an incredible testament to God's power and glory. You go girl! Let's catch up soon! MUCH LOVE!

Hoyte Designs said...

Wahoo Coley!
Following your journey from Santa some great surf yesterday but you are riding a bigger wave right now.
Love You!